Thursday, November 21, 2019

Q Toon: Bent Out of Shape

I could have left "when he walks" out of this cartoon, and I rather wish I had.
Observers this week have puzzled over the president's peculiar posture, standing with his upper body center of gravity way in front of that of the lower half.

It may have something to do with the lift shoes he wears to artificially augment his height. It also has the side effect of causing him to lean forward in a disturbing manner toward people he meets.
Such forward-leaning posture has the secondary body language effect of encroaching into others’ personal space (intimate space) during greetings and other interactions. In addition to him being physically closer, we also feel emotionally uncomfortable whenever we think something/someone may fall over onto us.
I suspect that falling over onto people would ruin the Dominant Male vibe Mr. Trump is going for. One of these days, he's liable to tumble onto the Prime Minister of Nambia after one too many UK Sudafeds.

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