Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Remembering Richard Guindon

Daily Cartoonist passed along the news yesterday that Dick Guindon has died at the age of 86.

"Guindon" in Minneapolis Tribune, Jan. 15, 1978

His eponymous cartoon panel in the Minneapolis Tribune (later Star Tribune) was something I looked for every day when I was in college, and which I missed after I graduated and returned to Wisconsin. Because I saw his cartoons nowhere else until the internet became a big deal, I've always associated his off-beat sense of humor with Minnesota.

"Guindon" in The World According to Carp, 1983
"Guindon" in The World According to Carp, 1983

So, several years later, when I wanted to include a Minnesota native in a cartoon for the Business Journal of Greater Milwaukee, did I draw Mary Richards Tyler Moore? Garrison Keillor? Al Franken? Prince? 


Even though there was very, very, very close to zero percent of the Beej readership who would have the remotest glimmer of an off-chance possibility of recognizing her, I drew my Minneapolitan in the style of Dick Guindon.

in Business Journal, Milwaukee, March 24, 2005

To one of my all-time favorite cartoonists: rest in peace, sir. We'll fly the carp at half-staff in your memory.

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