Thursday, September 5, 2024

Q Toon: MAGA Max and Leo the Lib Revisited

I didn't have enough space in a four-panel cartoon for Leo to wrap up his screed by saying that Trump is a 34-time convicted felon utterly without any redeeming social qualities, whose whim-based responses to the COVID-19 pandemic led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Oh, and that he led the first attempt to overthrow the United States government since the British burned the White House in 212 years ago.

Max and Leo debuted in my cartoon about a politically mismatched duo undergoing couples counseling earlier this summer. Today's cartoon officially makes them recurring characters, so something's got to be keeping them together.

The sex must be great. Or at least the cooking.

The way we have all separated ourselves into our mutually exclusive political echo chambers, finding a real couple like Max and Leo might be next to impossible. Liberals and conservatives keep to separate news channels, late night comedians, social media, houses of worship, and fried chicken outlets. They even have their very own mutually exclusive dating sites now, both gay and straight.

Opposites attract only in romantic comedies. And The Lockhorns.

And don't argue with me about James Carville and Mary Matalin, or George and Kellyanne Conway.

Those aren't real people.

They’re cartoons.

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