Tuesday, July 16, 2024

This Week's Sneak Peek

On a hunch, I took this week's cartoon to work on a USB drive and tried uploading it to Blogger from there. It worked.

This is a screenshot of my attempt to upload the sneak peek file from home, where I tried both drag-and-drop and browsing-and-clicking; I tried both the Chrome and Edge web browsers, and regular and incognito windows.

I suppose this means I have to spend money on replacing my Windows 10 computer with whatever the newest, most intrusive operating system is these days. Which will be rendered obsolete in a matter of months.

A similar problem keeps arising at work as various websites we rely upon for the church's website, congregational management software, electronic fund transfers, and the like become unworkable on the web browsers on their ancient Mac OS 10.12.6. (So far, they still work in incognito mode; my guess is that cookies from before the Web 3.999 updates interfere with whatever newfangled macarons come with the new shit.)

Well, anyway, here's the sneak peek. The weekly sneak peek will probably have to wait until Tuesdays for a while.

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