Monday, July 15, 2024

I May Have to Leave This Blog

Google has made some change to uploading images to this blog that make it impossible to do so.

Here's what happens: I click on the upload image icon. A pop-up window appears telling me that I have to sign in to Google to access the content. (I have already signed in to Google to work on the blog, but okay. Let's be safe and secure here.)

When I click on the sign-in button, instead of asking me for my ID and password, a new upload window opens. There is an icon of a cloud, and a choice to Browse or Drag-and-Drop.

Whichever of those two choices I make, a blue progress bar tells me it's uploading. But when it's done, where is my file? Lost in the clouds, apparently. It certainly hasn't appeared in my blog post. It hasn't shown up in the Blogger folders.

I'm not happy, Google. Not at all.

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