Monday, February 5, 2024

Toon: Border Line

We interrupt today's regularly scheduled Sneak Peek to bring you this special breaking cartoon:

The Senate is reportedly poised to pass a bipartisan, hardline anti-immigration bill in answer to the surge of refugees crossing our southern border. It's an issue that Republicans, especially in Texas and Arizona, have been telling us for years must be addressed forthwith.

But Donald Trump told his minions in the House to vote down whatever bill came out of the Senate, no matter how urgent a crisis we have at the border, because he wants to run on the issue this year. 

Aside from wreaking revenge upon his personal enemies, it's the only issue he's got.

So of course, Speaker Mike Johnson, with his ephemeral two-vote majority, dutifully promised that the House would not consider any border security bill, regardless of what is in it, even if the entire population of Latin America comes charging across the Rio Grande during the next twelve months flinging fentanyl at passers-by and forcing your children to marcar dos para español

After all, Governor Abbott can just declare war on our southern neighbors and send the Lone Star State Air Force to commence bombing at will, can't he?

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