Monday, April 20, 2020

The Return of the Sneak Peek

Weekly sneak peeks are back, which means that Q Syndicate is back up and running, thanks to that Paycheck Protection Program you may have read about or applied for.

Q Syndicate truly is a small business, unlike some of the large corporations that elbowed out many small businesses that the program was intended to rescue. Even if we writers and cartoonists were employees rather than 1099 vendors, Q Syndicate would still qualify as a small business.

In the month since my last syndicated cartoon, publications that ran less than weekly were able to run recent cartoons which they had passed over when they first came out. Even when only reaching back one week, this made for some anachronisms: Between the Lines ran the cartoon depicting a hair stylist deciding to telecommute from home last week, well after hair salons across the country had shut down.

(Actually, many of those salons shuttered their doors in the days between when cartoon was drawn, and when your humble servant put it up on this blog.)

We're not ready to return to status quo ante, no matter what those rabble rousers in right-wing media, domestic terrorists, or President Larry Vaughn try to tell you. But most of us are doing what we can to get through this thing as soon as possible.

I'm still here, and I'm glad you are, too.

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