Monday, August 19, 2024

This Week's Sneak Peek

I'm back from a short vacation Up Nort', and was up past 1:00 a.m. drawing a cartoon last night. (Perhaps it shows.)

It was a good vacation at a Vilas County campground with my better half's family. I have never seen so many deer! They are as plentiful as squirrels up there.

The first day, while we were gathered on our cabin's front porch, a doe came and stood across from our cabin and stared at us. At first, we thought she must be expecting us to feed her. But when she came back the next day, while we were inside the cabin, we saw that our cabin was built smack dab in the middle of her dinner plan: a carpet of clover.

Well, it's back to the political animals now. I didn't have any ideas ahead of this week's Democratic National Convention that I was confident would be a propos to readers who wouldn't see them until the final day of the convention (and besides, last week's cartoon was about their presumptive vice presidential nominee anyway).

Maybe next week.

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