Tuesday, June 4, 2024

WisToon: Ask Not For Hovde Bell Tolls

Eric Hovde is making his second try for the Senate seat held by Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) this year. In 2012, he lost in the primary to former Governor Tommy Thompson; this time around, he's the Republican Party favorite.

Like a traditional Republican, he promises to end budget deficits (without saying whose budget he intends to slash). His ads blame Senator Baldwin for inflation, illegal immigration, and the supposed Biden plot to get rid of gas-powered cars. A TV ad by a shadow group funded by Hovde's brother charges that Baldwin of told people to stay home when COVID-19 first spread, “but used your money to fly to New York to live with her girlfriend at her lavish multimillion dollar apartment.”

When not playing up what Senator Baldwin has done for Wisconsinites, the Democrats' TV and social media ads attack Hovde for being a wealthy hedge fund manager living in sunny California (he counters that he grew up in Wisconsin and graduated from the University in Madison), and that he wants to take away old people's right to vote.

The ad by Senate Majority PAC includes a sound bite of Hovde, whose company owns a nursing home, telling a radio interviewer, “If you’re in a nursing home, you only have five, six months life expectancy. Almost nobody in a nursing home is at a point to vote.”

The Hovde campaign responded that he was only talking about Republican-fueled (and exaggerated) complaints about what they charge was a suspiciously high rate of voting at some nursing homes in Racine and Madison in the last election.

Just the same, I wouldn't want my loved ones in a nursing home run with that attitude.

Speaking of my loved ones, we joke that Eric Hovde might be a cousin of ours.

It's conceivable. My great-great-great-great-great-grandmother was a Hovde. We have her family traced back a few more generations, but we know nothing of any of her siblings' descendants. It's entirely possible, however, that the surname refers to the farm where she was raised, and that anyone who worked there would be given that last name whether they were blood relatives or not.

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