Monday, February 14, 2022

This Week's Sneak Peek

 As a 60-something gay white guy, I appreciate that not everything in popular culture is geared to appeal to my demographic any more. Movies based on video games. QVC codes playing solitaire pong on my TV screen.

Superbowl halftime extravaganzas.

Last night's was quite a show, whether you like West Coast Rap or not. Admit it.

Back when I was the age of those rappers, and so were the guys who decide who gets to be the Superbowl Halftime Show, people who were 60-something then thought U2 and Aerosmith and Christina Aguilera and even Prince were the worst halftime acts ever. (Bring back Up With People and the collegiate marching bands!)

You can't please everyone, and they aren't all that interested in what the AARP generations think, anyway. If you don't like the halftime show, heck, there's your chance to finally go to the bathroom without missing the commercials.

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