The Prime Minister of Iraq, Mohamed Shia al-Sudani, was at the White House last month, which was made slightly awkward because the Iraqi parliament was all set to make homosexuality or being transgender a capital offense.
The provision was included in "The Law on Combating Prostitution and Homosexuality," an update to a 1988 anti-prostitution statute. The parliament delayed passage of the bill during al-Sudani's visit, then, in response to U.S. and European diplomatic protests, amended the bill to reduce the penalty for homosexuality from death to ten to fifteen years in prison. The punishment under the bill for undergoing or performing gender-affirming surgery was set at one to three years.
The bill also bans any organization that promotes “sexual deviancy,” imposing a sentence of at least seven years and a fine of no less than 10 million dinars (about $7,600). The parliament passed the bill into law on Saturday.
Even without the capital punishment provision, the U.S., Great Britain and Human Rights Watch voiced our objections to the new law. In response, some Iraqi lawmakers want to expel U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Alina Romanowski.
So, naturally, I referenced South Dakota Governor and puppy-killer Kristi Noem in this week's cartoon. As one does.
I mean, really. It ain't easy coming up with cartoon ideas about most foreign countries. You didn't know who the Prime Minister of Iraq is when you woke up this morning. Most of you wouldn't know if I tried to caricature him or if I just drew Mr. Generic Middle Eastern Guy. There's no quick and easy go-to gag about him liking ice cream cones or wearing his tie too long. He doesn't star in any viral memes. We're not fixing to invade his country again or anything.
Nope, he just happens to be the Prime Minister of yet another country that decided it would be cool to punish its LGBTQ+ citizens. Just like most of its neighbors do.
But at least they took the death penalty off the table.
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