Thursday, September 8, 2022

Q Toon: Dear Leader's Cheerleader

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) predicted — or perhaps threatened— that if Donald Joffrey Trump is ever brought to trial for absconding with a couple dozen boxes of tippy-top secret White House documents and stashing them at his Florida hotel, hordes of his MAGA minions will riot. Again.

During his time in office, Trump found the presidency to be an effective shield against being held legally accountable in any court of law. Once he was kicked out of office, not content to let old crimes and lawsuits catch up with him, he immediately started purloining papers and flouting the very law he signed in February, 2018

Trump's conceit that he is permanently immune from prosecution is simply the way he has conducted business since, well, prep school. Now Requblicans argue that he has precedent on his side: no president or former president has had to serve jail time. True: Nixon got that pardon, and Harding died before the corruption of his administration burst forth.

If the prospect of Trump sitting in a jail cell is too much for the Constitution to bear, perhaps — if the case ever makes it past his legal maneuvers (and the judges he got to appoint) to trial in the first place — some other punishment can fit the crime.

Trump thinks he's entitled to swipe the nation's secrets? Okay, let's publicize his.

What did he really promise Putin at Helsinki? 

Or is that still a matter of national security?

Those tax returns he promised to release someday after he got elected, then.

We at least deserve to know Mr. Stable Genius's school records.

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