Thursday, November 5, 2020

Q Toon: Barer of Good News

What can I say?

The coronacrisis has been with us for over eight months. We have known since the outset that wearing face masks in public cuts down the virus's opportunity to spread.

We have also had a president who thinks he's smarter than all the people who have actual education and experience in virology. Who knew since January that COVID-19 is more serious than the flu, but didn't want to panic the stock markets. (He doesn't give a rat's ass about panicking the American public. He has been spreading panic about everything from Mexican immigrants to transgender Americans for over four years.)

We also have a sizeable portion of the populace who revel in their own ignorance, getting all their information from Qrackpots on the internet, AM radio, and Fox News. People who have developed a contempt for the greater society, seeing all social programs as evil socialism. People who think tearing down the Great Society will Make America Great Again.

And who have convinced themselves, egged on by His Crapulence, that having to wear a mask just because there's a deadly disease on the loose is exactly the kind of totalitarian tyranny that their pilgrim ancestors overthrew British Czar George Stalin III and his redcoats to prevent. They look to Dear Misleader's example and are convinced that if they do happen to catch COVID, they can just hop Air Force 1 over to Walter Reed for a couple days and then get right home again in time for Sunday's Game of the Week.

And if their carelessness infects others around them, tough. Don't say they never gave you nothin'.

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