Thursday, May 21, 2020

Q Toon: Wreck-It Wrath

There is a class of religious authority whose shtick is blaming teh gayz for every series of unfortunate events. Their god doesn't approve of LGBTQ+ people, so he sends hurricanes, fires, earthquakes, pollen, and Please Continue To Hold music.

So it's hardly surprising that someone would come along saying that the coronavirus appeared because LGBTQ+ rights have God's panties in a wad. In the days when LGBTQ+ people were still treated as pariahs, of course, disasters were completely unheard of.

God's wrath would have nothing to do with so many of his loudest preachers claiming to be his messengers on earth while devoting themselves to the ideals of Ayn Rand and Donald Trump, who are about as far apart from the teachings of Christ as you can possibly get.

Now, it does appear that Patient Zero of the second wave of the virus that hit South Korea may have been a gay man who went barhopping as soon as the country reopened the bars. On the other hand, a second wave of the virus in China has been traced to a laundry worker for the city of Shulan, and I don't hear anyone advocating against clean clothing.

Here in the U.S., we'll see South Korea's one irresponsible party boi and raise them a couple thousand gun-waving, mask-eschewing MAGAlomaniacs.

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