Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Velie 6

Things found while looking for other things department:

This was an ad in the Chicago Tribune in January, 1917 hyping the Chicago Auto Show. I don't think this ad would pass the standards and practices department of today's newspaper, at least without putting a wet bikini on the lady on the right. And probably replacing the gentleman on the right with another buxom bimbo. Or Matthew McConaughey.

The Velie 6 was a six-cylinder car manufactured out of Moline; Willard Velie, a grandson of John Deere, founded the Velie Motor Vehicle Company (originally the Velie Carriage Company) in 1902. Velie branched out into aircraft construction in 1927, which apparently overextended the company just as the world economy was just about to take a nosedive.

Velie's son, Willard Jr., was not able to keep the auto and aircraft companies solvent after Willard Sr.'s death in 1928; Willard Jr. died the following year. The Velie companies were sold off; Deere bought the automobile company. The Official Velie Register currently lists 221 Velie cars and trucks still in existence.

We'll have some more on the Chicago Auto Show of 1917 here on Saturday.

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