Thursday, November 17, 2016

Q Toon: Rising to the Occasion

I typically stew over what to draw for Q Syndicate for an entire weekend before committing ink to the page, but with feelings so raw after last week's presidential election, this idea came quickly and urgently. Kind of like what it depicts.

In case the note under my signature requires any explaining, this week's cartoon is a take-off on Bill Mauldin's famous cartoon for the Chicago Sun-Times after John F. Kennedy's assassination.

There are those who will object to this cartoon and to all who feel this way. Yes, I've heard that Donald Berzilius Trump is now our President-Elect and deserves a chance and some respect. That must be a new thing, because if there was any chance- or respect-giving from the Trump electorate during the past eight years, I must have blinked and missed it.

Trump was a mercurial tyrant, an egotistical bully, a lying con artist and a spoiled bigot up to the eve of the election. At 70 years old, there's not much chance that he has it in him to change.

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