Saturday, September 30, 2023

Portrait vs. Landscape

Seems that there is one more Saturday in September than I thought there was, so here's one more September to Remember post.

in Gaze Magazine, Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 15, 1993

Very few of my cartoons here are like this one in portrait orientation, but that is how the layout editors of Gaze Magazine wanted them. My cartoons shared a page with three other panel cartoons, all drawn to approximately the same dimensions.

I drew pretty much the same cartoon for the UWM Post — the  Post version drawn second, but published first. In accordance with the Post editorial page's layout, I drew the second version in landscape orientation. (Post editors in 1989 had asked me to draw my cartoons in portrait orientation for the three summer issues, but we reverted to landscape that fall.)

in UWM Post, Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 20, 1993

Which version do you think is more effective?

100 years ago, nearly all newspaper editorial cartoons appeared in portrait orientation. In some cases, the cartoon was nearly square (Daniel Fitzpatrick, for example), but portrait orientation dominated the medium for the first half of the 20th Century.

There were notable exceptions: Luther Bradley and his successor at the Chicago Daily News, Ted Brown, drew their cartoons in landscape orientation.

"It Was Important, Too" by Ted Brown in Chicago Daily News, Sept., 1923

"The Royal Feast of Belshazzar Blaine" by Walt McDougall and Valerian Gribayedoff stretched across the front page of Joseph Pulitzer's New York World is another remarkable exception, as are the weekly cartoons Winsor McCay would produce to run atop William Randolph Hearst's syndicated Sunday sermons.

"The Royal Feast of Belshazzar Blaine" by Walt McDougall & Valerian Gribayedoff in New York World,  Oct. 31, 1884
"For Good Reasons They Fear Him" by Winsor McCay for International Feature Service, Sept. 30, 1923

John "Ding" Darling's cartoons for the Des Moines Register and New York Tribune hewed to the portrait standard...

"Strange How Different She Looks" by J.N. "Ding" Darling in Des Moines Register, Sept. 25, 1923

...but he oriented his cartoons for Colliers Weekly landscapewise.

"Ellis Island Hotel" by J.N. "Ding" Darling in Colliers Weekly, Oct. 6, 1923

When weekly magazines were the primary outlet for editorial cartoonists, the likes of Nast, Keppler, and Dalrymple would have a cartoon in portrait orientation on the front page and an epic two-page landscape cartoon as the centerfold. With a whole week to work on each cartoon, why not?

"In the Democratic Bowling-Alley" by Victor Gillam in Judge, Sept. 30, 1893

Daily newspapers began to employ editorial cartoonists late in the 19th Century, fitting the cartoon in among multiple columns — breaking up the page rather than headlining it. Whether it was the shorter deadlines, the less sophisticated printing process, or just artistic preference, landscape orientation would remain relatively rare until the 1960's and '70's, with the rise of Gene Basset, Pat Oliphant, Jeff MacNelly, Don Wright, Mike Peters, (oh, I could go on and on), and those of us inspired by them.

As conglomerate newspaper management these days fails to see profit in printing editorial cartoons, the medium may have to return to portrait mode to accommodate editorial cartooning's future — the thing you are probably holding in your hand as you read this.

Oh, by the way, since I asked: even though I still favor landscape mode for my own cartoons (and it's what my remaining editors expect of me), personally, I think the portrait oriented version of my Cuban MiG cartoon  is the more visually satisfying.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Q Toon: Unspeakable Acts

Oh, and of course, money.

A student group at West Texas A&M University planned to put on a drag show to raise funds for the Trevor Project, a charity that works to prevent LGBTQ+ suicides. Once upon a time and place, that would seem to be a laudable move, but not now and not in Texas.

WTA&MU President Walter Wendler banned the show with the novel argument that drag is “derisive, divisive and demoralizing misogyny” comparable to “blackface,” and that drag performers “stereotype women in cartoon-like extremes for the amusement of others and discriminate against womanhood.”

The student group moved their fund raiser off campus, and took the university to court. Unfortunately, that landed their case in the court of right-wing activist Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, appointed to the North Texas District Court by Donald Joffrey Trump in 2017.

Kacsmaryk found that drag is likely not protected expression under the First Amendment, but rather “vulgar and lewd” “sexualized conduct” that may be outlawed to protect “the sexual exploitation and abuse of children.” In short, he concluded that drag fails to convey a message, while explaining all the reasons why he’s offended by the message it conveys.

Your humble scribbler has drawn Mr. Kacsmaryk before. Last year, he found that health care professionals have every right to refuse to treat transgender patients. When Trump elevated him to the bench, he was policy advocate and deputy general counsel for First Liberty, a Talibangelist advocacy group based in Plano, Texas, to push that agenda exactly.

Kacsmaryk's ruling in this particular case is a sharp break from precedent: judges, even those in Red states such as Florida, Montana, and Tennessee, have ruled against state attempts to ban drag performances. The language of Kacsmaryk's ruling goes well beyond Wendler's feminist defense of his ban — perhaps that stuff was too woke for the judge — to assert his own revulsion against any departure from strict gender norms as the foundation of his bench-based legislation.

This case may well be appealed, perhaps all the way to the Supreme Court. If any of the right-wing activist justices with which the highest court in the land has been packed still profess any belief in constitutional originalism, I hope they remember that our Founding Fathers actually had a fondness for wigs and petticoats.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Saturday, September 23, 2023

You May Ask Yourself, My God! What Have I Drawn?

At least once a month, this Graphical History Tour dredges up some of my old cartoons at decade intervals, and today we start with September of 1983.

in University of Wisconsin Parkside Ranger, October 13, 1983

This is one of less than a handful of cartoons I drew using gesso and an artist's blade. The technique involves coating the drawing surface with a white plaster called gesso (it is available in other colors), then painting over that with ink. Once that is dry, you cut away at the ink to reveal the gesso beneath. The resulting heavy shadows can be striking.

You don't have to completely cover the gesso with ink; I've seen cartoons and other artwork where the creator drew the scene on top of the gesso, then continued by cutting away some of the ink in order to lessen shading — the result resembling a woodcut.

My cartoon here came in response to a drunk driving crash in which the president of the student government was critically injured. Although I had made no attempt whatsoever to make anyone in the cartoon a caricature of him, my editors worried that some readers would find it in bad taste.

Well, not every cartoon is meant to be funny, and a cartoon of the student mascot crying would have been trite. To their credit, the Ranger editors held the cartoon to include it in a four-page feature section on drunk driving a few weeks later.

in Gaze Magazine, Minneapolis, 1993

Some cartoons are meant to be totally serious. Other cartoons are meant to be utterly silly.

In 1993, it was hard to avoid Barney the purple dinosaur, whether you had small children in the house or not; there were various cartoons and late-night comedy sketches around riffing on his "I Like You, You Like Me" song and that dopey voice of his. 

Years later, I saw that some other cartoonist had gotten around to drawing pretty much the same idea that I had. Or maybe it was a meme. Or quite possibly both.

Puns are low-hanging fruit in the cartooning biz, and yours would have to be extremely elaborate and exquisite before you'd have any right to claim, "Hey! That's my idea!"

2003 marked Harley Davidson's centennial celebration in Milwaukee, and the people putting the big 100th anniversary party together thought it would be a great idea to keep everyone guessing what the big-name entertainer they had hired for the big concert at the Marcus Ampitheater.

Rumors flew that they were bringing in Steppenwolf, whose "Born to Be Wild" is a biker anthem, but who had broken up in 1972. Or perhaps the Allman Brothers, or George Thorogood, or Judas Priest. Or maybe even the Rolling Stones!

in Business Journal of Greater Milwaukee, Sept. 5, 2003

So fans of those bands were disappointed and upset when the mystery headliner was revealed to be Elton John.

Make no mistake: everyone recognized that Elton John was and is a star performer. But he doesn't have that biker vibe one generally associates with riding on a Hog.

Front or back seat.

for Q Syndicate, September, 2013

One of my favorite things to do in a cartoon is to take a cliché and turn it on its head. The occasion for this cartoon was actually how little opposition arose when six counties in New Mexico began granting marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

The counties had responded proactively to an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit on behalf of same-sex couples in the state. The New Mexico State Supreme Court would rule unanimously in favor of marriage equality in December, extending marriage rights into the more hesitant 27 counties.

A year and a half later, the Supreme Court granted those rights to the rest of the nation, and opposition has proven to be nowhere near "fever pitch."

Except in the case of a few county clerks and a couple of ethically challenged Supreme Court Justices.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Q Toon: We Are Driven

Many of us have become inured to the realization that our Internet of Things — from Alexa to our Rings to our phones and refrigerators and microwave ovens — are constantly spying on us. The Mozilla Foundation recently reminded us that one of the worst busy-bodies in most of our lives is parked right in our garage.

In a report headlined "It's Official: Cars Are the Worst Product Category We Have Ever Reviewed for Privacy," they reveal that whatever you thought your car was up to, it's worse than you think.

We reviewed 25 car brands in our research and we handed out 25 “dings” for how those companies collect and use data and personal information. That’s right: every car brand we looked at collects more personal data than necessary and uses that information for a reason other than to operate your vehicle and manage their relationship with you. For context, 63% of the mental health apps (another product category that stinks at privacy) we reviewed this year received this “ding.” ...

It’s bad enough for the behemoth corporations that own the car brands to have all that personal information in their possession, to use for their own research, marketing, or the ultra-vague “business purposes.” But then, most (84%) of the car brands we researched say they can share your personal data — with service providers, data brokers, and other businesses we know little or nothing about. Worse, nineteen (76%) say they can sell your personal data.

A surprising number (56%) also say they can share your information with the government or law enforcement in response to a “request.” Not a high bar court order, but something as easy as an “informal request.” ...

Nissan earned its second-to-last spot [second to Tesla] for collecting some of the creepiest categories of data we have ever seen. It’s worth reading the review in full, but you should know it includes your “sexual activity.” Not to be out done, Kia also mentions they can collect information about your “sex life” in their privacy policy. Oh, and six car companies say they can collect your “genetic information” or “genetic characteristics.” Yes, reading car privacy policies is a scary endeavor.

Of course, you can always check out your car company's 3,000-page, single-spaced, no margin, 4-point type in light beige font advanced legalese consumer agreement in search of its privacy policies. But keep reading in order to find out what necessary functions you're probably giving up (like maybe, reverse gear) if you don't agree to the whole thing.

As you can tell from this week's cartoon, I was not one of those schoolboys who spent his time in class sketching cars in his notebook. I could have at least colored some shadows and highlights on these cars, but I decided not to.

In hindsight, however, I think that the guy in the fourth panel ought to have been driving a convertible with the top down.

Monday, September 18, 2023

This Week's Sneak Peek

And the words of the prophets are written on minivan trunks... and tattooed on twunks...

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Making the World Safe for Autocracy

John McCutcheon's cartoon at the end of last Saturday's Graphical History Tour alluded to a "dictatorship bug" from Europe, so this week's episode takes a look at what was bugging Europe in September of 1923.

"Will the Cop Let Him Get Away with It" by Sam Armstrong in Tacoma News-Tribune, Sept. 6, 1923

Corfu is a narrow, 40-mile (64 km) long island due west of the Greek-Albanian border. The two countries disputed where their border should extend, and took their case to a council of British, French, and Italian ambassadors, chaired by an Italian general, Enrico Tellini.

Greece accused Tellini of siding with Albania, so the Greeks were the suspected culprits when Tellini and four others traveling with him were ambushed and killed at a Greek-Albanian border crossing on August 27. Italy responded by bombarding and occupying the island on August 31, arresting the Greek prefect of the island. Mussolini announced that Corfu had belonged to Venice for four centuries before being ceded to Napoleonic France, then to Great Britain, and to Greece only since 1864.

"Another Successful Operation" by Keith Temple in New Orleans Times-Picayune, ca. Sept. 28, 1923

While much of  Europe was focused on the Corfu crisis, Yugoslavia was preoccupied by Bulgarian guerilla attacks in Macedonia. The Bulgarians wanted to reclaim territory lost to Serbia at the end of World War I (Bulgaria having sided with the Central Powers during the war).

Bulgarian communists reportedly tried taking advantage of the situation, attempting, but failing, to overthrow the government. Prime Minister Aleksandar Tsankov, who had just come to power through a coup in June, declared martial law, and there was some thought that the crisis may have been fabricated in order to justify the move.

"No Wonder He's Getting Tired" by John McCutcheon in Chicago Tribune, Sept. 14, 1923

On September 14, Spanish military officers staged a coup in Barcelona. King Alfonso XIII accepted the resignation of the cabinet of Prime Minister Manuel García Prieto and asked coup leader Captain Miguel Primo Rivera to form a new government. 

"The Passing Show" by Gustavo Bronstrup in San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 15, 1923

Primo Rivera's military dictatorship would last through the rest of the decade.

In Germany, Chancellor Gustav Stresemann called off his citizens' passive resistance to French and Belgian occupation of the Ruhr; but France vowed to continue the occupation until German reparations were paid in full. Given the worthlessness of the Deutschmark, full payment of reparations any time soon was highly improbable.

"From the Frying Pan Into the Fire" by Winsor McCay for New York Americanca. Sept. 22, 1923

American editorial cartoons of this period expressed much more sympathy for the plight of former enemy Germany and growing hostility toward former ally France.

"Divided They Fall" by Elmer Bushnell for Central Press Assn., before Oct. 4, 1923

At the end of September, monarchist separatists in Bavaria and the Rhineland rebelled against the German government with plans to crown Crown Prince Rupprecht king.

But that gets us into October, and I'm not quite done with September yet.

"Poor Butterfly" by O.C. Chopin in San Francisco Examiner, Sept. 4, 1923

Not all disasters were man-made — at least, to begin with. An earthquake registering 7.9 on the Richter scale devastated Tokyo and Yokahama on September 1, 1923. The quake hit just before noon local time as many were cooking their meals, sparking massive firestorms and a fire whirl that incinerated a crowd sheltering in a department store. The death and destruction were compounded by landslides and a tsunami. The death toll surpassed 105,000 (including the American Consul General in Yokahama and his wife).

But man was responsible for making the disaster even worse. Sparked by rumors that resident Koreans in the Kantō region had poisoned local well water, the Japanese military, police, and vigilantes —condoned by some within the government — slaughtered an estimated 6,000 people that day. The victims of the Kantō Massacre were mainly ethnic Koreans, as well as Chinese and Japanese people mistaken to be Korean, plus Japanese communists, socialists, and anarchists.

"There's My Old Neighbor" by Clifford Berryman in Washington Sunday Star, Sept. 2, 1923

Since today happens to be Independence Day in Mexico, I can't let the day go by without mentioning normalizing of relations between that country and mine. Great Britain, France, Belgium and Cuba quickly followed suit in recognizing the Obregón government.

At home, President Álvaro Obregón was derided as un entreguista (a sellout, literally "delivery man") for agreeing to U.S. demands to renounce his country's intention to expropriate foreign oil companies in Mexican territory. A subsequent rebellion led by Obregón's former Finance Minister, Adolfo de la Huerta, would be harshly put down within months.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Q Toon: Esprit de Corps

Sergei Markov, a surviving former adviser to Vladimir Putin and now a talking head on Russian state TV, told viewers last month that Ukraine is using something called "neuro-linguistic" programming to unify its army "through gay sex."

"They have an artificial political science fascism created by American and British political technologists. They will turn them into zombies, into cult members. I think they will force some to become homosexuals," Markov said.

"Military theorists and historians know which army in Greece was the strongest, remember? The Spartans! They were united by a homosexual brotherhood. They were all homos. These were the politics of their leadership. I think they are planning the same for Ukraine's Armed Forces."

Granted, Russian state TV is about as responsible in its fact-checking as Faux News or Noisemax in this country.

It is nevertheless alarming that the Kremlin has uncovered the West's neuro-linguistic conversion therapy program to create semper fabulous super-soldiers. Moscow may have no choice but to instigate a Brokeback Mountain military mind control program of its own.

It's either that, or dipping their soldiers in the River Styx by the ankle.

Monday, September 11, 2023

This Week's Sneak Peek

I'm honored to be included in Mike Peterson's post at Daily Cartoonist today for my post this past Saturday about Governor Jack Walton declaring martial law in 1923 to combat the Klan.

I can suggest my post from the previous Saturday for some additional context, and this one about the Greenwood massacre for those who are interested. If you're searching for contemporary source material, there is plenty to choose from at the Oklahoma Historical Society; Harlow's Weekly is a convenient place to start.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Where the Klan Comes Sweepin' Down the Plain

Today's Saturday Graphical History Tour returns to 1923 Oklahoma. 

Just a year and a half after the Tulsa Massacre wiped out that city's thriving Black community, progressive Democrat Jack C. Walton was elected governor of the state (having won his party's nomination by a plurality at a time when that practically guaranteed a victory in November).

Walton had campaigned on opposition to the Ku Klux Klan. Within months of assuming office in 1923, he declared martial law in Tulsa and Okmulgee Counties, where the Klan had effectively taken over the government, law enforcement, courts, and schools.

"The Latest State Song" by Ed Gale in Los Angeles Times, Sept. 19, 1923

Heading the military court investigation into the Klan in Tulsa, Aldrich Blake reported dozens of cases of unchecked whippings, floggings, and beatings there: 

"No arrests had ever been made until the military court convened. Except in one or two instances were the police called and immediately returned to the station. No investigation has ever been made of any one of these and dozen of other cases now under investigation."

Cases of the Klan's reign of terror cited in Associated Press reports included: 

"A mother, roughly dealt with when a band of twenty men raided her home and beat her husband — a child born prematurely as the result; a member of a township school board abducted by floggers and coerced into voting for a school head whom he opposed; an elderly man lashed because he opposed the way the school was run; a man and woman taken out of their beds and taken to the whipping field where the strap was applied to both because the whippers charged that they had been selling beer — these are among the cases related by Blake from the testimony."
"Oklahoma Improves the Klan Regalia" by Roy James in St. Louis Star, August 25, 1923

Out-of-state media offered measured approval of this crackdown on Klan rule and the promise of prosecutions to come. New York World editorialized, "The choice in Oklahoma is unfortunately between a spectacular enforcement of the law and an acquiescence of mob rule — abdication, in effect, to the invisible empire. It is a choice of evils, but the first is bearable, the latter impossible."

"Impotent White Caps" by Grover Page in Louisville Courier-Journal, Sept. 17, 1923

St. Joseph News-Press, noting (September 4) that "For more than a year these self-appointed regulators have been terrorizing the community of which Tulsa is the center. Women have been included among their victims under circumstances suggesting a licentious purpose. Whippings have been arranged in advance, with definite time and place, and invitations to attend them have been issued and accepted; and throughout all of this, the 'law' looked on with silence that gives consent," agreed, 

"The governor of Oklahoma was justified in placing the city of Tulsa under martial law. It is an extraordinary measure invoked to correct an extraordinary condition."

"The Duel" by Grover Page in Louisville Courier-Journal, Sept. 18, 1923

Closer to home, Oklahoma City Times, not a fan of the new governor, complained that out-of-state media misunderstood the situation in Tulsa:

"Eastern metropolitan newspapers have bestowed much praise on Governor Walton for his firm stand against the invisible empire. ...

"But it is the scope of its influence and activities of which the eastern writers have an exaggerated notion. It did not generally dominate affairs of government. Most counties have had no outrages at all. Many klan candidates were defeated in the last election. The vast majority of the people were untouched by its machinations."

The Oklahoma legislature rebelled against Governor Walton's actions and established a grand jury in Oklahoma City as the basis of formulating charges against him. Walton doubled down, extending "absolute martial law" over the entire state and ordering military censorship of the press.

"Making the Citizens of Oklahoma Over into 100% Americans?" by J.N. "Ding" Darling in Des Moines Register, Sept. 18, 1923

It took a while for the implications of Governor Walton's declaration of "absolute martial law" to become clear to editorial cartoonists who had drawn against the Klan.

"Military or Masked Government?" by Daniel Fitzpatrick in St. Louis Globe-Dispatch, Sept. 23, 1923

After all, nearly every cartoonist in the country had accepted a role in demonizing dissent during U.S. involvement in World War I. And what practical difference was there to the safety and security of a democratic republic between bomb-throwing anarchists and whip-wielding fascists?

"Anyway It's a ___ch of a Black Eye" by Edward Gale in Los Angeles Times, Sept. 28, 1923

(Note: A mailing label covered all but the last two letters of the fourth word in Ed Gale's caption above. "Bitch" would have made the most sense to me, but I'm fairly certain that was not the word on the Los Angeles Times's front page. Patch? Stitch?)*

"The Wrong Plug, Governor" by Harold Talburt for Scripps Howard, ca. Sept. 26, 1923

When members of the Oklahoma legislature proposed to convene in special session to pursue the Governor's impeachment, Walton threatened to summarily enforce the state constitutional clause that only the governor could call a special session:

"In my effort to return the government to the hands of properly constituted authorities, and secure equal justice for all of our citizens, I do not intend to brook any interference. An attempt to convene the legislature in such an unlawful as has been suggested would be an interference with my efforts, and if they come in here and try such a thing, I will put them all in jail and keep them there as long as I am in office."

The banner headline over the Oklahoma News's front page editorial the next day read "WE WANT NEITHER KLAN NOR KING!"

The editorial urged Gov. Walton to take a little time off to familiarize himself with the state and federal constitutions — as well as the Magna Carta and the Articles of Confederation.

"Has Oklahoma's Governor Been Bitten by That European Bug" by John T. McCutcheon in Chicago Tribune, Sept. 28, 1923

It's a shame that Oklahoma had no editorial cartoonists in the employ of any of its homestate newspapers. Out-of-state cartoonists, however, had begun to catch on.


* P.S.: I have since run across this cartoon in another newspaper. The fourth word is indeed "peach."

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Q Toon: What's In a Deadname


It's back to school time just about everywhere, which I usually address with a cartoon about LGBTQ+ students. This year, I thought I'd draw something for teachers instead.

A bunch of Republican state legislatures are pushing bills forcing birth gender requirements on transgender persons against their obvious will. It's bound to cause difficulty for anyone who is an employee anywhere — intentionally so — and no less for transgender persons in the teaching profession.

I'm reminded of my fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Grothe. She wasn't transgender, but she did have a few items in her classroom marked "Miss Carpenter," which I at first thought meant that they belonged to somebody else. It didn't take long to figure out that Miss Carpenter was her maiden name, and that those things had always belonged to Mrs. Grothe.

Most kids are brighter than you might suspect.

It won't take Mr. Newman's students long to figure out that he used to be Miss Smith in another life, whether he teaches kindergarten or advanced placement calculus.

His state representatives might take considerably longer to realize that his coworkers may not appreciate Mr. Newman being required to use the women's bathroom, and that he would rather not intrude there, anyway.